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Mountain Landscape
Emily Enright, Rewellness Nutrition.

My name is Emily and I am the founder of Rewellness Nutrition.

I am a spiritual warrior, here to co-empower the collective to remember as we move towards a new dawn of enlightened living. I specialize in integrating clinical nutrition, herbalism and fitness with a spirit-centred, Earth-based approach for holistic healing and transformation.


I built RE because I believe life is about more than just your health. I deeply and genuinely believe that we are here to experience life and all of its magic. When I am not learning, doing research and working with clients, you can find me stargazing with friends, hiking mountains, laughing and connecting with friends, traveling and dropping low to some heavy bass music and some of my favourite festivals. I believe life is all about balance and it's too sacred to be taken seriously 100% of the time. I am here to help you feel your best and find that balance in your life so that you can go on the adventures your heart desires and make the most of this precious experience that you only get to do once (in this body that is). So let's get you back to doing what you love best by helping you feel your best. 

My philosophy when it comes to health is that you don't need to be wealthy to be healthy. It's not about the supplements and high tech that makes you healthy. It's about connecting to the fundamentals, listening to your body and understanding what you need. Sometimes supplements and herbs are necessary to bring us back into balance, sometimes it's as simple as slowing down and spending more time in the sun. 

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